S Tel has provided detailed customer care numbers (10 digit phone number as well as short code) for each of its customer service groups including General Customer Care, VAS Helpline, Balance Enquiry, Recharge, Latest Scheme, Caller Tunes, Ringtones, Voice Station and Voice Message.
The following customer contact short codes work for the services in all circles.
Service | Short code |
Customer Care | 1212 |
VAS Helpline | 1213 |
Balance Enquiry | 444 |
Recharge | 555 |
Latest Scheme | 666 |
Caller Tunes | 52211 |
Ringtones | 52221 |
Voice Station | 52231 |
Voice Mail | 52241 |
Following is the list of email addresses of each circle’s customer care / customer support, nodal officer and appellate authority.If your complaints are not taken care well by the customer support, you may contact the nodal officer and then the appellate authority.
Circle | Customer Care Email | Nodal Officer Email | Appellate Authority Email |
Assam | customercare.assam@stel.in | nodal.assam@stel.in | appellate.assam@stel.in |
Bihar | customercare.bihar@stel.in | nodal.bihar@stel.in | appellate.bihar@stel.in |
Himachal Pradesh | customercare.hp@stel.in | nodal.hp@stel.in | appellate.hp@stel.in |
J & K (Jammu & Kashmir) | customercare.j&k@stel.in | nodal.j&k@stel.in | appellate.j&k@stel.in |
Jharkhand | customercare.bihar@stel.in | nodal.bihar@stel.in | appellate.bihar@stel.in |
North East | customercare.ne@stel.in | nodal.ne@stel.in | appellate.ne@stel.in |
Orissa | customercare.orissa@stel.in | nodal.orissa@stel.in | appellate.orissa@stel.in |
Each of the state has separate 10 digit mobile phone numbers for each of the customer services, details given below. S Tel has a dedicated call center to attend to customer queries.
Assam | Mobile Number | Short code |
Customer Care | +919127012345 | 1212 |
VAS Helpline | +919127011213 | 1213 |
Balance Enquiry | +919127010444 | 444 |
Recharge | +919127010555 | 555 |
Latest Scheme | +919127010666 | 666 |
Caller Tunes | +919127012211 | 52211 |
Ringtones | +919127012221 | 52221 |
Voice Station | +919127012231 | 52231 |
Voice Mail | +919127012241 | 52241 |
Bihar | Mobile Number | Short code |
Customer Care | +919128012345 | 1212 |
VAS Helpline | +919128011213 | 1213 |
Balance Enquiry | +919128010444 | 444 |
Recharge | +919128010555 | 555 |
Latest Scheme | +919128010666 | 666 |
Caller Tunes | +919128012211 | 52211 |
Ringtones | +919128012221 | 52221 |
Voice Station | +919128012231 | 52231 |
Voice Mail | +919128012241 | 52241 |
Himachal Pradesh | Mobile Number | Short code |
Customer Care | +919129012345 | 1212 |
VAS Helpline | +919129011213 | 1213 |
Balance Enquiry | +919129010444 | 444 |
Recharge | +919129010555 | 555 |
Latest Scheme | +919129010666 | 666 |
Caller Tunes | +919129012211 | 52211 |
Ringtones | +919129012221 | 52221 |
Voice Station | +919129012231 | 52231 |
Voice Mail | +919129012241 | 52241 |
Jammu & Kashmir (J & K) | Mobile Number | Short code |
Customer Care | +919130012345 | 1212 |
VAS Helpline | +919130011213 | 1213 |
Balance Enquiry | +919130010444 | 444 |
Recharge | +919130010555 | 555 |
Latest Scheme | +919130010666 | 666 |
Caller Tunes | +919130012211 | 52211 |
Ringtones | +919130012221 | 52221 |
Voice Station | +919130012231 | 52231 |
Voice Mail | +919130012241 | 52241 |
North East | Mobile Number | Short code |
Customer Care | +919131012345 | 1212 |
VAS Helpline | +919131011213 | 1213 |
Balance Enquiry | +919131010444 | 444 |
Recharge | +919131010555 | 555 |
Latest Scheme | +919131010666 | 666 |
Caller Tunes | +919131012211 | 52211 |
Ringtones | +919131012221 | 52221 |
Voice Station | +919131012231 | 52231 |
Voice Mail | +919131012241 | 52241 |
Orissa | Mobile Number | Short code |
Customer Care | +919132012345 | 1212 |
VAS Helpline | +919132011213 | 1213 |
Balance Enquiry | +919132010444 | 444 |
Recharge | +919132010555 | 555 |
Latest Scheme | +919132010666 | 666 |
Caller Tunes | +919132012211 | 52211 |
Ringtones | +919132012221 | 52221 |
Voice Station | +919132012231 | 52231 |
Voice Mail | +919132012241 | 52241 |
Bihar | Mobile Number | Short code |
Customer Care | +919128012345 | 1212 |
VAS Helpline | +919128011213 | 1213 |
Balance Enquiry | +919128010444 | 444 |
Recharge | +919128010555 | 555 |
Latest Scheme | +919128010666 | 666 |
Caller Tunes | +919128012211 | 52211 |
Ringtones | +919128012221 | 52221 |
Voice Station | +919128012231 | 52231 |
Voice Mail | +919128012241 | 52241 |
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