Recently I posted a article onhacking Yahoo messenger to track anyone’s IP address. And now I’m going to tell you the ways to know if someone is invisible, offline or blocked you on Yahoo messenger.we can use Yahoo messengerdirectly to trace anyone’s online or offline status, all we need is some common sense. We can also use some third party hacking tools or websites to track this.
This trick is pretty much similar withhacking Gtalk to know someone’s online or offline status. But since both messengers are different, we have to follow different tricks to catch those invisible or offline users. We will talk about those users who have blocked you later on this post. Let’s know the tricks to catch invisible friends.
how to know, Find or Catch Invisible Yahoo Messenger Friends :
During Yahoo Messenger signing in process, it offer users three options on it’s main login window. One is to remember ID and Password, another one is to log you in automatically when window starts and the third one is to sign in asinvisible. Look at the below screenshot.
If a user check the box right before Sign in as invisible to everyone, then hisstatus shows as offline and no one can know if he is online or not. If you want to know the online status of one of your friends, then there are many ways to do this.
Visit Yahoo Status Checker. Enter your friend’s yahoo username and hit Find. It will use it’s automated query system to track the actual Yahoo status. This is free to use and Ads free.
Find If Your Are Blocked By A Friend On Yahoo Messenger :
Now here is the twist. First of all users those who have blocked you on Yahoo will appear offline to you permanently. Even if they are online, invisible or offline, their status on your Yahoo messenger will be offline forever. But this is hard to know if that person is actually offline or being shown as offline for the block. Let’s know how to find them.We need to use one Yahoo messenger hack called Buddy-Spy. Buddy-Spy is athird party tool that gives you the accurate information about someone’s Yahoo status. But it requires you to login with your account details in order to track someone’s online presence. Here you may want to use an dupe account. Never share your actual Yahoo password anywhere.
Now if you find someone online on Buddy-Spy but offline in your messengerlist, then you can get confirmed that you have been blocked by him. He will no longer appear online to you until and unless he removes your username from his blocked list.
Download Buddy-Spy and track all your invisible or blocked Yahoo contacts.
How To Know If Someone Is Online On Yahoo Messenger :
Do I really need to explain this as it’s pretty simple. All your online friendsappear on your Yahoo messengers list in bold letter and highlighted colour. Check out the below screenshot.
Simply click on those online yahoo users to initiate conversations. Tracking and tracing online friends can be done from your yahoo messenger window itself.
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